The Besura LeAd disliked the Livyans for a number of reasons in addition to their hatred for them. One of the reasons was the Livyans' capacity to dominate in politics, which hindered the Besura LeAd ruling principle. Additionally, there were cultural variations that led to conflicts between the two societies.
The Besura LeAd was implemented by Arch.Hamadim Havotaheym Suri, although he was given the title of Archon, which in Greek appears to mean "Ruler," while there is another narrative in Livya. Hamadim Havotaheym Suri was given the title “Sar” by birth, which in Aramaic means "Prince," has been given to him, However, the conflicts between the two sides are caused by politics and its issues.
In Misya, the Greciyan control half of its quarter of the population and the expansion of the Greek language However, there was a conflict even though Zoharmaryan state spoke Hebraic and Livya, which was among the inhabitants, spoke Aramaic. moreover, why would Besura LeAd persist to despise the Livyans. Sar.Yaminaym Suri "the wise" intended the policy that keeps many Greciyans struggling until today.
The Arameyans Dynasty expanded from South Aram from North Aram until the Misyans invaded and occupied it in the 3rd AH.
(The terms AH and BH stand for After History and Before History, respectively; they are comparable to BC and AD.)
The Principality Union Territory is also how Livya started taking control of the area after the Muslim Invasion, which left half of Misya permanently damaged.Livya control 85 percent of the economy's output.
How was Besura LeAd Hellenized and not Livya, Livya is controlled by the Lamadim or in Hebraic means to exercise or to learn, but the Lamadim were neither a sect of Judaism nor of Christianity. The Lamadim adhere the Noahide Law, as well as different visions of the Holy scriptures. The Lamadim believes that Mare Isho is the descendant of Yoseph ben Heli “the son of Heli” Furthermore, the Lamadim do not believe that Maryam was a virgin but because is been described as a young woman in the Kitab Ha Lamad.
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